Fill the board space up. Pieces are on the bottom. When you have filled a board, you get a star. Click on un-filled stars to load that level. 

Click on a piece to be able to move around, then click on grid to place it down. You can let go of pieces with right click or escape. You can click on set pieces to remove them


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I thought to myself "surely everyone is exaggerating and the final level isn't that hard"

I was wrong. had a fun time figuring it out tho! great work.

The gameplay is really simple. I completed levels first try until the final level. HOWEVER, I did discover that clicking on a piece while you have a selected piece will combine them and that was incredibly cool. It may or may not have been a bug, but it should definitely be used in more levels as it was really interesting and could lead to some deceptively complex levels. Great work!

great little game :)